1·A script can not only retrieve document information but also advise when documentation is incomplete.
2·The DB2 Content Manager API log, dklog.log, shows that calls to RM to retrieve document is taking 2.9 seconds.
DB 2 Content Manager API日志dklog . log显示,调用RM检索文档花费了2.9秒的时间。
3·Listing 6 shows how to retrieve the document just created and update some of the properties.
4·Running this code, you can then retrieve the document ID and get back the response in Listing 8.
5·The latter expression will naturally retrieve nodes in document order, whereas the former might not.
6·The obvious drawback is that you can't express predicates on the XML data itself or retrieve just fragments of an XML document.
显而易见的缺陷就是您无法表示关于XML数据本身的谓词,也无法仅检索X ML文档的片段。
7·Next, retrieve a document from your song database.
8·Then, you can replace the values in the sample with appropriate code to retrieve the values from the source document.
9·A final advantage of some (though not all) native XML databases is worth mentioning. They can retrieve the original, unparsed document, character-per-character or even byte-per-byte.
一些(不是全部)原生 XML 数据库带来的最后一个优点也值得一提,即能够逐字符甚至逐字节地检索原始的未解析文档。
10·Otherwise, try to retrieve a qualifier from the document, as shown in Listing 5.